0.9.6: - Eclipse 3.4 compatibility - CHANGED FEATURE AND PLUGIN IDs - code cleanup - speedup at start time (TODO: verify this one!) - splitted up to several plugins - built with Java 1.4 classfile compatibility - fixed a bug that prevented the Marker View from opening in Eclipse 3.2 - moved bcel into the coverlipse namespace (prevents issues with other bcel versions in the classpath) - better icons in the class view - added test infrastructur and tests for pde tests. - switched test data transfer between VMs from socket communication to communication per file. 0.9.5 - xml export to file - redesigned threading in evaluation, providing a more robust GUI - added evaluation thread view, useful for debugging reasons - plugged batch processes into the Eclipse ProgressManager - caching evaluations, so that the same evaluation won't be done twice. - significant speedup for marker operations - smaller bugfixes - code cleanup and fixes of smaller bugs - regarding classes without debug information. - code where an exception is thrown is shown as "unknown coverage" instead of "uncovered" 0.9.4 - added basic sorting options to the class view - eclipse update site - fixed a few minor bugs - fixed the bug that made evaluation of only one of overloaded methods possible - rewrote parts of all uses coverage (though the new code is still unused) - new icons for the markers using JUnit colors. - made compatible with Eclipse versions > 3.1 - included percentages for block coverage and all uses coverage, classes and packages. - included infrastructure for showing percentage, reworked CoverageNature framework. - reworked class view * made coverage selection buttons radio button style * added quick filter - results are shown in all later opened editors not regarding how they where opened (before results where only shown when opening the editor from the class view) - other minor bug fixes - package filters updated to work with well-known frameworks - fixed several launch target bugs 0.9.3 - added configurable package filter - introduced list to be handled by the system classloader enabling a workaround for the classloader bug with Java Commons Logging. - sorting results in Coverlipse Class View - Java 5 compatible 0.9.2 - some code cleanup - made the recording thread safe. - provided some speedup at the AllUsesCoverageNature - added launch shortcut - reworked CoverageMarkerView to support filtering and sorting - BUGFIXES 0.9.1 - changed the way to compute the classpath for the JUnit test, thus adding compatibility to Eclipse 3.1 - added status messages in the Coverlipse Class View. - views get opened when running a JUnit/Coverlipse test. - fixed the bug that made results unusable for other coverage criterias and forced to do a new test run for every criteria switch. 0.9.0 - Block Coverage - All Uses Coverage - Eclipse Plugin: Markers, Configuration, Views (Class and Marker)